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About Me

I was born in 1973 as the youngest of three brothers in Murcia, Spain. I felt the call in the World Youth Day in Santiago de Compostela in 1989 and after years of preparation I entered the seminary in 1991 in Warsaw, Poland. I received training at the International Missionary Diocesan Seminary "Redemptoris Mater". After 10 years of training, including three years of mission in Ukraine and other practices in Lithuania, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Bethlehem, I was ordained as a priest on May 26, 2001. For four years I served in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Warsaw, in the parish of San Sigismund. In 2005, in response to the request of Cardinal Francis George, I was sent to Chicago by Cardinal Glemp, archbishop of Warsaw. Here in Chicago, I was named Associate Pastor at the parish of St. James for seven years. Since April 2012 I have served in Queen of the Universe, first as an administrator and later as pastor.
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